Helmut Seidl. Finite Tree Automata with Cost Functions. Theor. Comput. Sci., 126(1):113-142, 1994.

Cost functions for tree automata are mappings from transitions to (tuples of) polynomials over some semiring. We consider four semirings, namely, $N$ the semiring of nonnegative integers, $A$ the “arctical semiring”. $T$ the tropical semiring and $F$ the semiring of finite subsets of nonnegative integers. We show: for semirings $N$ and $A$ it is decidable in polynomial time whether or not the costs of accepting computations is bounded; for $F$ it is decidable in polynomial time whether or not the cardinalities of occurring cost sets are bounded. In all three cases, we derive explicit upper bounds. For semiring $T$, we prove decidability of boundedness as well, but obtain a polynomial-time algorithm only in case that the degrees of occurring polynomials are at most $1$. For $N$ and $A$, we extend our results to multidimensional cost functions.

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