
(Wintersemester 2003/2004)

Dr. Kumar Neeraj Verma:

Verification of Cryptographic Protocols

The study of cryptography and of cryptographic protocols has received considerable attention in recent years, notably because of the growth of electronic commerce where issues like secrecy and authenticity are crucial.

Cryptography deals with algorithms for encryption and decryption. For example encrypting a message with some key produces a new message from which the original message can be recovered only by someone who knows the inverse key. Cryptographic protocols are rules for exchanging messages using these cryptographic primitives.

Even if the cryptographic primitives are assumed to be secure, most cryptographic protocols turn out to have errors which escape the attention of their designers. For this reason formal verification of cryptographic protocols is necessary to ensure their security properties. In this course we will look at some cryptographic protocols, and methods for modeling and verifying them.

Lecture: Mo. 16-18
Exercise: Di. 16-17

Raum: 02.07.034
