NSAD 2014
Fifth International Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains
September 10, 2014
Munich, Germany
Abstract domains are a key notion in Abstract Interpretation theory and practice. They embed the semantic choices, data structures and algorithmic aspects, and implementation decisions. The Abstract Interpretation framework provides constructive and systematic formal methods to design, compose, compare, study, prove, and apply abstract domains. Many abstract domains have been designed so far: numerical domains (intervals, congruences, polyhedra, polynomials, etc.), symbolic domains (shape domains, trees, etc.), but also domain operators (products, powersets, completions, etc.), which have been applied to several kinds of static analyses (safety, termination, probability, etc.). The Fifth International Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains is intended to discuss on-going work and ideas in the field. Previous workshops have been held in Deauville, France (10 September 2012), Venice, Italy (13 September 2011), Perpignan, France (13 September 2010) and Paris, France (21 January 2005).
NSAD 2014 will be co-located with SAS 2014.
Accepted Papers and Program
The following papers will be presented:
16:30 - 17:00Gianluca Amato, Francesca Scozzari and Enea Zaffanella. Efficient Constraint/Generator Removal from Double Description of Polyhedra |
17:00 - 17:30Vivien Maisonneuve, Olivier Hermant and François Irigoin. Computing Invariants with Transformers: Experimental Accuracy and Speed |
17:30 - 18:00Xueguang Wu, Liqian Chen and Ji Wang. An Abstract Domain to Infer Symbolic Ranges over Nonnegative Parameters |
The presentations will be held after the TAPAS workshop that runs from 9:00 am to 16:15.
The program of NSAD 2014 will primarily consist of presentations of refereed papers. Contributions are welcomed on all aspects of abstract domains, including, but not limited to:
- numeric abstract domains
- symbolic abstract domains
- extrapolations and accelerations
- design of abstract transformers
- compositions and operations on abstract domains
- data structures and algorithms for abstract domains
- novel applications of abstract domains implementations
- practical experiments and comparisons
Paper Submission
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by the program committee.
Submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages including bibliography, and follow the ENTCS guidelines. Submitted papers may include, in addition, an appendix containing technical details, which reviewers may read or not, at their discretion. Papers must be written and presented in English, and describe original work that does not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference, or workshop with refereed proceedings.
Final papers must conform to the ENTCS guidelines.
As in previous years, the NSAD 2012 proceedings will be published electronically, in a volume of the Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science series by ScienceDirect©, Elsevier.
To submit a paper, follow this link: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nsad2014
- Submission deadline: June 13, 2014 anywhere on earth (extended)
- Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2014
- Final version due: August 5, 2014
- Early registration: On or before July 20, 2014
- Workshop day: September 10, 2014
Co-Located Events
SAS 2014:
The 21st International Static Analysis Symposium
SASB: The 5th Workshop on Static Analysis and Systems Biology
TAPAS: The 5th Workshop on Tools for Automatic Program Analysis
Registration and Accommodation
Please refer to the SAS 2014 website.
The workshop will take place at the Novotel hotel in Munich, Germany.
Munich is the lively capital of Bavaria. Close to the alps, Munich hosts three universities and a variety of touristic attractions. These include museums such as the German museum for technology and science, several first class theaters as well as historical monuments built by the bavarian kings who took a keen interest in art, construction and collection.
Program Chairs
Axel Simon, Technical University Munich, Germany
Arnaud Venet, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Program Committee
Liqian Chen, National Laboratory for Parallel & Distributed Computing, Changcha, China
Khalil Ghorbal, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Pierre Roux, ONERA, Centre de Toulouse, France
Henny Sipma, Kestrel Technology, USA
Gianluca Amato, Università "G. D'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Graeme Gange, University of Melbourne, Australia
Jorge Navas, Intelligent Systems Division NASA Ames Research Center, USA